Ubuntu How To Install Nvidia Driver

Valve's recent update to Steam for Linux -- which introduces gaming compatibility tools under the name Proton -- has resulted in a notable increase in Windows users interested in taking Linux for a test drive or removing their Windows partition altogether. For the curious among you, I wanted to write a guide teaching you how to install Ubuntu on your PC, grab the latest Nvidia GPU drivers and set up Steam to play some of your favorite Windows-only games.Step 1: Install Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

I've written an Ubuntu installation guide for beginners, so if you don't have Ubuntu on your PC yet, make this your first stop.

The NVIDIA display driver in the CUDA 9.1 install repository is nvidia-387 which is the current driver as of this writing. It is the same major version as the driver we installed in Step 7) above. This means that we can do an easy CUDA install from the NVIDIA CUDA repositories even though it will reinstall the display driver. Step 3: Install Nvidia Graphics Card Driver. Ubuntu comes with the open source nouveau driver which is included in the Linux kernel for Nvidia cards. However, this driver lacks 3D acceleration support. For best graphics performance, we can use the software-properties-gtk program to install the proprietary driver. Enter the below command in the terminal window.

How to Install Nvidia Drivers in Ubuntu First start by adding the Proprietary GPU Drivers PPA to your system package sources and update your system package cache using apt command. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa $ sudo apt update. Install the Nvidia driver using PPA on Ubuntu 18.04. Now that you can which card to install, you can now install it through the PPA. First, if you have already installed an old Nvidia driver, remove it.

Step 2a: Install The Latest Nvidia Driver

Since the Steam Proton update is so new, it requires a newer Nvidia driver than what's distributed with Ubuntu 18.04.1. Using Terminal, let's enter a few commands to gain access and install it. No clicking through menus or advancing through setup screens, no manual downloading. I promise it's easier than you think!

Simply hit your Windows Key (which is called the Super key in Linux) and type 'Terminal.' Once it's open, type the following commands (note that 'sudo' means you're executing the command as an administrator or 'root' so you'll need to enter your user password):

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396
  • reboot

This command adds a software repository to your Ubuntu installation

Jason Evangelho

Sidebar: But what does all that mean? In the first line you added another software source to Ubuntu, allowing you to snag the latest and greatest graphics drivers. This means they'll auto-update now as well. In the second line, you instructed Ubuntu to scan for the newest software available, as well as the 'dependencies' or supporting software required, which will be installed automatically. In the third line, you told Ubuntu to install the newest Nvidia driver, which as of this writing is 396.54.

(Note that after 'apt-update' you can also browse to your 'Software & Updates' app, click the Additional Drivers tab, and select the newest available Nvidia driver. This may be necessary if you have an older model GeForce card.)

'Reboot' is self-explanatory! I figured hey, since you're in Terminal already, take the geeky option.

If you want to verify your Nvidia driver version, simply hit your Super key, type 'Nvidia' and click on the result which brings up 'Nvidia X Server Settings.'

This screen verifies your Nvidia driver version.

Nvidia / Jason Evangelho

Step 2b: Install the latest AMD drivers.

I'm hesitant to write instructions for methods I haven't tested personally, but if you're using an AMD Radeon graphics card there's a brief guide for installing the AMD MESA drivers here. It follows pretty much the same procedure. I hope to do testing on RX Series and Vega cards in the near future.

Photo manager software free download. Step 3: Install Steam

If you're feeling comfortable with Terminal, installing Steam is ridiculously easy. Type 'sudo apt install steam' and you're good to go. However, let's get you introduced to the Ubuntu Software Center. The fastest way to find Steam there is by hitting your Super key (remember, the Windows key!) and typing 'Steam.' Click the result and you'll arrive at the Software Center. Hit install, type your user password and that's it. Once it's finished, either click 'Launch' or hit your Super key again and type Steam.

Tip: Once Steam updates, just drag the icon up on your Ubuntu Dock and it will automatically add it your favorites.

Step 4: Activate the Steam Play Beta Launch Steam

If you've used Steam in Windows, you probably know what to do now. Just in case, you'll need to go into your Steam settings (Steam -> Settings -> Account) and opt-in to the Steam Play Beta by clicking 'Change' and then choosing 'Steam Beta Update.'

Steam will now update to the latest Beta version, which includes Proton. Victoria 2 ultimate mod rebooted download.

Update: The Steam Play with Proton update was just integrated into the mainline Steam client. That was fast! This means there's no need to opt-in to the Beta.

With Proton, Valve has officially whitelisted only 27 games which you can find here. By default these are the games that will be supported. To play them, simply find them in the store. If you already own them on Windows, just install them normally. Your cloud saves will also carry over between operating systems.

But here's the thing: nearly 1000 more are perfectly playable, and this update has only been live for about a week. If you want to get adventurous, move on to Step 5.

Step 5 (Optional): Hit The Override Button

With Steam Play there's a bit of a nuclear option if you want to try playing literally anything available on Steam for Windows. The majority of the 2000+ games tested thus far are marked as either Stable or Completely Stable, but it's a good idea to check here first. Some don't work, some are buggy, but there's still 1000+ more games that are fully playable on Linux than there were a week ago! In a nutshell, browsing to Steam --> Settings --> Steam Play and checking the 'Use Steam Play For All Titles' box will apply the Proton tools to games not yet verified by Valve to have perfect, native-like performance. It significantly increases your options, but some games may not work as expected or they'll be buggy.

Ubuntu 18.04 Nvidia Driver 396

Again, remember this is a rapidly evolving projectand you're in on the ground floor. Thinking about where we go from here makes my enthusiasm skyrocket.

Community Support:

I've found the Linux community to be incredibly active and ridiculously helpful when it comes to troubleshooting anything. If you get stuck along the way, here are a couple resources which I've found personally beneficial:

  • Reddit: Steam Play & Proton Cheat Sheet (an awesome and crucial resource for more advanced users!)


Ubuntu 18.04 Tutorial : How to install Nvidia driver + CUDA + CUDNN + build tensorflow for gpu step by step command line

Thoses steps allowed me to build tensorflow for gpu with a comptute capabilities of 3.0 on a laptop with a GeForce 740m and Ubuntu 18.04.

Install neccesary library :

If libcurl3-dev package is not found use:

Add graphics drivers to your source list :

Check what driver will be installed :

Auto install latest driver (it will do everything blacklist drivers nouveau , create nvidia daemon , ect ..) :

Then reboot your machine :

If you boot without any kernel crash you're ok but you can check the correct install of the driver :


Download cuda_your_cuda_version.run on https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit and install it:

If everything is ok you should see a cuda folder in /usr/local/ .

Download linux cudnn_your_version on https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn and install it:

Check if you have correctly copied cudnn in /usr/local/cuda/lib64/.

Now you must add some path to your /.bashrc :

Ubuntu How To Uninstall Nvidia Driver

Add those line at the end of your /.bashrc :

Now reload your terminal config :

Check if the path are correctly installed :

Install gcc 4.8 (only version of gcc that can currently compile tensorflow) :

If gcc-4.8 package is not found you can try to add :

Install bazel :

Download tensorflow and choose what branch you want :

Create configuration file for tensorflow build :

Say no to most query just specify the python version you want , yes to jemalloc and specify correct path to gcc-4.8.

Build tensorflow with bazel :

Create .whl for pip install :

Let me know if you find some quicker way to build tensorflow or if you found some mistakes.